As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
Club reopened following lockdown
We're very pleased to announce that, following last week's relaxation of lockdown measures by the Welsh government, our tennis club will be back open for members to come and enjoy some healthy outdoor sporting exercise from tomorrow! All members should have received the following information by email.
You must not attend the club without booking a court beforehand - go to the online booking page and login to your ClubSpark account. Demand for court time is expected to be greater than usual, hence the maximum amount of time that can be booked per day has been reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 hours (two members can, of course, still book up to 3 hours per day between them). This will be subject to further review dependent upon usage.
Do not enter the club grounds until the time of your booking and when you can see that your court has been vacated. And in order to avoid coming into contact with other members, please ensure you leave the club grounds at least 5 minutes before the end of your booking period.
You may only play SINGLES matches at the current time except where doubles partners are from the same household.
The following restrictions must also be adhered to:
1. Do not come to the club if feeling in any way unwell
2. Bring hand sanitizer and sanitize hands just prior to entering the club grounds
3. The clubhouse is closed - do not enter
4. Net heights have been set and handles removed, do not try to adjust
5. Only handle your own racket and personal (marked) tennis balls
6. Return tennis balls from adjacent courts by kicking or using your racket
7. Either remain at same court ends or change at opposite ends of the net
8. The gate will not be padlocked but if leaving three empty courts please close the gate behind you
In terms of coaching, only private coaching is allowed at the current time.
All membership expiry dates have now been extended by 121 days - that's one day for every day the club has been closed plus 31 additional free days.
Each membership is also entitled to 30 minutes of free coaching with Mike, the club's head coach (which can be extended by payment of £15/half-hour if desired). Please contact Mike directly at to arrange your free session. Remember that the free 30 minutes is per membership so, for example, a family of four would all receive their coaching together. The free coaching is subject to Mike's availability, however if can be taken any time in the next 12 months (you must have an active membership at the time of enjoying this benefit).
Members may bring guests as usual. As is always the case, members are responsible for paying the guest fee before playing - go to the guest fee page - and members are responsible for ensuring their guest follows all rules and guidance.
We're really pleased to finally be able to reopen the club and we thank you for your patience and for maintaining your membership throughout the closure period. Please be careful and strictly observe the above to keep everyone safe. Tennis is a naturally socially distanced sport and, with just a few careful precautions, we'll all be able to safely enjoy some time out on the courts this summer and beyond.
If you know anyone who would like to become a member we're now open to new memberships, please direct them to join via the website.
We wish you lots of tennis enjoyment!
Tennis Wales' guidance on reopening of tennis clubs can be seen here.
Notices placed at entrance to club