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The club operates a variety of "adult" Club Play sessions that are completely free to members and provide an excellent opportunity to play some tennis with others in a relaxed and friendly environment.  The sessions attract players of a variety of playing strengths and are open to adults as well as juniors who've reached a suitable standard*.


Non-members are welcome to attend one session completely free of charge - just contact the club and we'll arrange your inclusion so you can come along and try us out!​


You don't need to come with anyone else, you can just come along and try your hand as part of a variety of team-ups against a variety of opponents. You don't even need to bring any tennis balls as the club provides the balls for these sessions.

The club sessions are held all year round and WhatsApp groups are used to organise things in advance - there is a group for the Sunday sessions and other groups for the weekday sessions; to request to be added to the groups please send an email to, including your mobile number and the group(s) you wish to be added to.



Current Club Sessions



Sunday Morning Sessions - 10am-12pm


These sessions are aimed more at players who are a little more confident.

Sessions typically consist of 3 short-format matches, the pairings for each being organised in advance.
Sets are won by the first to win 4 games. A tie-break to 5 points is played in the event that the score reaches 3 games all. Two sets are played per match and where a match is tied at 1 set all the match is decided by a tie-break to 5 points. Any games that reach 40-40 are decided by a "sudden death" deuce i.e. the next point decides the game.

Every effort is made to ensure pairings and opponents are set up to ensure a mix that will result in good competitive play.

Note that, due to the structure of the sessions, attendees need to commit to the full two hour period.



Weekday Evening Sessions - Monday and Thursday 6pm-8pm


These sessions are available to all, including people who are just trying to find their feet!

In these sessions there are 8 rounds, with pairings and opponents determined randomly. Each round is 4 games i.e. for doubles matches each player serves once. "Sudden death" deuce is used (see above). An overall total of games won per player determines a winner on the night, plus a second and third place.



Weekday Daytime Sessions - Wednesday and Friday 10am-12pm


These sessions are available to all, including people who are just trying to find their feet!

The format of these sessions varies but always involves some form of fun competitive play.




​* The club coach will decide when a junior is ready to attend the adult Club Play sessions

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